Hygiene Matters

5 reasons why you should switch to Flora Disposable Handkerchief today.

Flora Disposable Handkerchief is considered better than cloth handkerchiefs for several reasons:

  1. Convenience: Paper tissues are disposable and convenient to carry, making them ideal for use on-the-go.
  2. Hygiene: Unlike cloth handkerchiefs, paper tissues are disposable, so they can be discarded after each use, reducing the risk of spreading germs and bacteria.
  3. Absorption: Paper tissue is designed to absorb moisture quickly and effectively, making it ideal for use during colds and allergies.
  4. Availability: Paper tissues are widely available in stores and can be purchased in bulk, making them easily accessible.
  5. Versatility: Paper tissues can be used for a variety of purposes, including blowing your nose, wiping your face, and cleaning surfaces.

In contrast, cloth handkerchiefs must be washed after each use, which can be inconvenient. They can also harbour bacteria and other germs, making them less hygienic than disposable paper tissues.

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